From Krańcowa Street to the ends of the European world ...

Project: "From Krańcowa Street to the ends of the European world ... Educational mobility of the ZS No. 2 staff in Ostrzeszów".

Program: as part of the project "Mobility of school education staff" implemented from the OP KED resources under the Erasmus + Program, School Education sector.

Contract number: POWERSE-2016-1-PL01-KA101-024010

Implemented by: Polish-Norwegian Friendship High School No. 2 in Ostrzeszow


Foundation for the Development of the Education System - The National Agency of the Erasmus + Program announced in April 2016 that the application “From Krańcowa Street to the ends of the European world ... Educational mobility of the staff of ZS No. 2 in Ostrzeszów” placed on the reserve list of the 1st sector of Erasmus + school education competition 2016, June 1 2016 was approved for implementation from the European Social Fund, the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development (PO WER) under the project "Mobility of school education staff", implemented in a non-competitive mode, the beneficiary of which is FRSE.

In the project “From Krańcowa Street to the ends of the European world ... The educational mobility of the ZS No. 2 staff in Ostrzeszów” will be attended by 22 teachers from among 82 teaching in the Polish-Norwegian Friendship High School. As part of the project, teachers will take part in methodological and language trainings in English, German and Spanish as well as English and German general courses. The trainings will take place in Germany, Austria, Spain, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Malta, and project participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences aimed at using methods of teaching and raising pupils in a European spirit tested in other schools. In addition, teachers will be able to effectively implement international cooperation with partner schools, run projects on the eTwinning platform and help students during trips to foreign apprenticeships.

The project will be implemented under the Erasmus + program. The maximum grant amount for the project is 56 088,00 EUR, and the deadline for its implementation will take place from September 2016 to May 2018.

© Zespol Szkol Nr 2 im. Przyjazni Polsko-Norweskiej w Ostrzeszowie 2025